We RISE 2k


We RISE 2k


A 2k Digital download of We RISE, suitable for public exhibition. Add it to your institution's media projection and show an audience that you aspire to do better, you aspire to lead.

In addition to the 2k film, you will have a 'signed' copy of the We RISE script, available for immediate download.

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In August of 2017 our home city was put on a national spotlight through a series of violent actions. This ripple in the veneer can become a wave of change if we embrace it, and the attention our town received through an international hashtag is ours to seize upon, and begin the important work of representing our own city's unique voice. By purchasing this digital download, or by contributing a monetary donation, you will enable the future of homegrown folklore for Charlottesville, and we will be an example in world overshadowed by the might and fury of Hollywood.